Catawba Grape
This copper red, globular grape is arguably the second most common across the US. Used in everything from jellies to wine making to eating off the ...
View full detailsCelebration Maple
This striking maple turn a bright red color with a slightly pinkish hue to it that differentiates itself from other maples. It is also seedless so ...
View full detailsChampagne Apple
First found in a New Mexico Valley in the 1940s, the Champagne has quite the volatile history. The Dixon family began growing this apple as soon a...
View full detailsChandler Blueberry
Discovered in 1994 as a consistently well growing, high bush variety, the Chandler Blueberry bears consistent and large fruit. Producing less berri...
View full detailsCheropugy Bush Cherry
Developed from a specimen from the collection of a fruit collector named Vojtech Slavetinsky in the Czech Republic and is closely related to other ...
View full detailsChestnut Crabapple
Created at the University of Minnesota in 1949 as a cold hardy apple pollinator. Its most famous off spring is the Wealthy Apple, also of the UofM ...
View full detailsChicago Hardy Fig
The Chicago Hardy Fig is hardy down to Zone 5 and can be planted in a container or the ground. It grows to nearly 35' in excellent conditions and...
View full detailsChieftain Apple
Cross of a Jonathan and Delicious and created back in 1917 but wasn't released to the public in the 1990s. Very sweet and cold hardy- it is also di...
View full detailsChippewa Blueberry
Heralding from the university of Minnesota, this cold hardy blueberry cultivar is a combination of high and low bush. Growing to heights of about 3...
View full detailsChojuro Pear
Discovered in Kawasaki, Japan in 1895 appearing redder than other pears nearby. Round and golden in color- the Chojuro pear is similar to other Asi...
View full detailsClaygate Pearmain Apple
Popular eating apple from Victorian England. Noted for a strong resistance to apple scab. USDA Zone: 4-8 Mature Height: G.935 ~11-13' or 45-50% of...
View full detailsCoat Jersey Apple
Excellent Cider Apple best used with other, less flavorful apples. Flesh is yellow with strong Banana flavors. Resistant to apple scab. USDA Zone:...
View full detailsColorado Blue Spruce
A bright blue, upright evergreen that looks similar to a Christmas tree when grown, the Colorado Blue Spruce is common sight in colder forests. The...
View full detailsCompact Stella Cherry
The Stella Cherry comes from the John Innes Institute in Norwich England. In 1964, scientists a the Brookhaven National Laboratory irradiated the g...
View full detailsConcord Grape
Popular in jams, jellies, juices, and spreads, this grape is probably the most well known of all grape varieties. Characterized by a blue to purpli...
View full detailsConnel Red
Tom Connell discovered this apple on his orchard in Menominee, WI! Finally available to the public in 1956 the apple is closely related to its pare...
View full detailsContender Peach
The Contender peach (Prunus persica) is a variety of peach that was developed at the Agricultural Research Service's Southeastern Fruit and Tree Nu...
View full detailsCortland Apple
Created at Cornell University’s Agricultural Station in 1898, the Cortland Apple is a popular tree around the Great Lakes even today. It is now the...
View full detailsCortland Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Cortland Apple, please see its main apple page. This is the original strain of Cortland from the late ...
View full detailsCox Orange Pippin Apple
First bred in 1825 in Colnbrook, UK from possibly Ribston Pippin and the Blenheim Orange- the Cox Orange Pippins is the premier English Dessert App...
View full detailsCresthaven Peach
This peach is a firm, yellow to red highly colored variety for late season. The Cresthaven’s fruit is yellow-fleshed, freestone, and shows consider...
View full detailsCreston Apple
Developed in the 1990s by the Pacific Agri-Food Centre in British Columbia and is another offspring of the prodigious Golden Delicious. This apple ...
View full detailsCreston Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Creston Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Januar...
View full detailsCrimson King Maple
Growing to heights of 35-45', the Crimson King Maple is one of the few dark colored leafed trees in the US. In spring, the leaves shoot out a shiny...
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