Ornamental Trees
Sugar Maple Tree
A maple tree you can tap! The Sugar Maple, or Acer saccharum, is the classic tappable maple. Native to the Eastern United States, the sugar maple w...
View full detailsOctober Glory Maples Trees
Fast growing and majestic- the October Glory turns a flashy crimson around October 1st; hence its name. Tall, cylindrical trees they grow in oval s...
View full detailsSienna Glen Maple Tree
The Sienna Glen Maple is an excellent alternative to the Autumn Blaze Maple. It has a strong central leader with stronger wood and denser branching...
View full detailsCelebration Maple Tree
This striking maple turn a bright red color with a slightly pinkish hue to it that differentiates itself from other maples. It is also seedless so ...
View full detailsWestminister Crabapple Tree
Discovered at 1913 Kickapoo Orchard and grafted from a single specimen. The crabapples are small, about olive sized, are dark purple in color, and ...
View full detailsSnow Fountain Cherry Tree
This ornamental cherry is prized for its stunning white blooms in the Spring time. Combine that with this Grafted Standard Tree and the long, elega...
View full detailsBrandywine Maple Tree
Vividly magenta with a slight variation in the leaf color, the Brandywine maple is a beautiful ornamental tree. Growing to a mere 20-25', this mapl...
View full detailsPin Oak Trees
Shaped like a pyramid during its younger year that slowly ovals out into its maturity. The fastest growing Oak Tree, reaching over 24" per year and...
View full detailsShowtime Crabapple Tree
This is probably our most stunning crabapple. All three seasons produce a different color. In Spring, extraordinarily bright flowers open along the...
View full detailsEastern Red Bud Tree
These gorgeous deciduous trees are pinched at youth to keep the stem less than 12" long and the branches are what gives the trees their height. Thi...
View full detailsBonanza Peach Tree
The Bonanza peach tree is a fruit-bearing tree that is known for producing medium to large-sized peaches with a bright red skin and juicy, sweet fl...
View full detailsNorway Maple Trees
The Norway Maple was introduced from Europe in the 18th century as a shade tree. Now a common sight in landscaping in the eastern US, this maple is...
View full detailsRed Sunset Maple Tree
Similar in color to the Autumn Blaze just with more orange undertones and deeper color. You trade the brilliance of the Autumn Blaze to get a fulle...
View full detailsPurple Leaf Sand Cherry
Developed by Dr. N. E. Hanson of South Dakota State University in 1910 as a cold hardy decorative landscaping plant. Small white flowers bloom in c...
View full detailsBonfire Peach Tree
This peach is grape for small spaces and can even be planted in a container and kept indoors. Naturally a compact dwarf tree topping out at 7' tall...
View full detailsProfusion Flowering Crabapple Tree
A branchier crabapple that grows considerably wider than it does tall, this crabapple is an excellent statement piece. Magenta colored flower sprin...
View full detailsIndian Summer Flowering Crabapple Tree
Noted for its excellent disease resistance, this crabapple can tolerant more adverse conditions than other crabapples. The buds are dark crimson an...
View full detailsBurr Oak Tree
The Burr oak is a large, long-lived deciduous tree that is native to North America. It is known for its impressive size, beautiful shape, and hard...
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