Modern apple trees consist of two parts: the Scionwood and Rootstock. Both parts are needed to replicate trees. The scion wood is grafted onto the rootstock and tells the tree which tree to grow. Every Scionwood taken from one tree is genetically identical to other scions from the same tree. This tree can therefore grow and if Scionwood is taken from the newly grown tree- it is genetically identical to the parent tree.
Scionwood is harvested roughly at two different times depending on which grafting technique one uses. Scion wood harvested in winter is bench grafted. Scion wood harvested in summer is bud grafted. Roots to Fruits Nursery can ship both of these options and will ship to whichever date is closer unless otherwise requested. Summer Scionwood ships in August and Winter Scionwood is shipped January-April.
We do not certify the Scionwood as disease free nor do we claim any cleanliness standards. Scionwood should be stored above freezing and stay hydrated and free of mold. Summer harvested Scionwood should be grafted immediately upon arrival or should be stored in a cold environment, above freezing, and hydrated.
Scionwood is typically about 10-12" long, may contain numerous buds, and is ordered in sets of 1, 10, and 25.
Ambrosia Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Ambrosia Apple, please see our main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long, ¼" in caliper, and ships in...
View full detailsCameo Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Cameo Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or January-...
View full detailsCandycrisp Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Candy Crisp Apple, please see its main apple page. Scion wood is ~10-12" long, ¼" in caliper, and ship...
View full detailsCortland Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Cortland Apple, please see its main apple page. This is the original strain of Cortland from the late ...
View full detailsCreston Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Creston Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Januar...
View full detailsDabinette Crabapple Scionwood
Check out our main Dabinett page for more information about this apple. Scion wood is ~10-12" long, ¼" in caliper, and ships in August or January-A...
View full detailsEarligold Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Earligold Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Janu...
View full detailsEmpire Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Empire Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or January...
View full detailsGolden Russet Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Golden Russet Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or ...
View full detailsGoldRush Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the GoldRush Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Janua...
View full detailsGrimes Golden Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Grime Golden Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or J...
View full detailsHaralson Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Haralson Apple, please see its main apple page. This strain of Haralson is the HaralRed® strain. Scion...
View full detailsHoneycrisp Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Honeycrisp Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Jan...
View full detailsJonagold Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Jonagold Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Janua...
View full detailsKeepsake Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Keepsake Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Janua...
View full detailsKickapoo Spice Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Keepsake Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Janua...
View full detailsKing David Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the King David Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Jan...
View full detailsLiberty Apple Scionwoood
For a lengthy history and description of the Liberty Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Januar...
View full detailsMonarch Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Monarch Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in August or Januar...
View full detailsNorthwest Greening Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Northwest Greening Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long and ships in Augus...
View full detailsOrange Winter Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Orange Winter Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long, at least ¼" in caliper...
View full detailsRedFree Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the RedFree Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long, at least ¼" in caliper, and ...
View full detailsSansa Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Sansa Apple, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long, at least ¼" in caliper, and sh...
View full detailsSnowsweet Apple Scionwood
For a lengthy history and description of the Snowsweet, please see its main apple page. Scionwood is ~10-12" long, at least ¼" in caliper, and ship...
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