McIntosh Apple Tree
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- Containers ship to WI, IA, IL, MI, MN
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Don't Forget to Protect Those Trees!
One of the most popular apples in the world today, the McIntosh (sometimes spelled Macintosh) apple gained its roots back in 1811 at a farm in 'Upper Canada.' John McIntosh and his wife discovered the chance seedling and help grow and develop it; then out it to market in 1835. This long history as a commercially viable apple helped the McIntosh grow to such popular proportions.
The McIntosh is a small to medium sized apple with greenish-yellow skin. The apple matures in September and blushes to saturated red skin with distinct vertical striping. The flesh is white and crispy, crunchy, and juicy. The apple stores well but is best eaten off the tree or cooked within a couple weeks of harvest. The apple's flesh cooks down easily making it perfect for pies and sauces.
It is these aforementioned traits that, plus its early cultivation, that has lead to this prodigious and popular apple gaining and retaining prominence. Many modern apples can trace their lineage back to the McIntosh. It is now wide spread across the US- reaching from Zone 4 down (or up) to Zone 10 or even 11. It also has a demonstrated resistance to Apple Cedar Rust.
USDA Zone: 4-10
Mature Heights:
M.111: 18-22' or 85-100% of Standard; Semi-Dwarf Ships Spring 2025
Antonovka: 25'+; 100% of Standard
Sun: Full Sun
Bloom Group: 3, Mid Season
Ripening Time: September
Pollination: Required