Montmorency Cherry
This tart cherry variety has long been recognized as the standard of the industry. Montmorency is planted throughout North America and is considered the best tart cherry for cooking, baking, jams and jellies. The fruit is bright red, medium in size, with a clear, juicy flesh. Fruits are smaller, about nickel sized and are extremely juicy. Cherries are ripe when one can gently but firmly pull on the fruit and remove the fruit with the seed. The trees are self-fruitful, winter hardy and very productive.
USDA Zone: 4-9
Mature Height: Mazzard: 17-20' or 85% of Standard; Semi-Dwarf
Sun: Full Sun
Ripening Time: First harvest of 2023: June 23rd. Generally end of June -Early July
Pollination: Not Required- trees are self fertile but will pollinate other tart cherries