Norland Apple
The extremely cold hardy tree originated in 1980 by the Agriculture Canada Research Station in Manitoba, Canada, the Norland Apple is a cross between the Rescue and Melba apples. It is an early season apple good for fresh eating and desserts. The apple is smaller with red blushed over green-yellow skin. It has a slightly conical shape with ribbing. Its flesh is cream colored with a slight red hue. Like other early apples, this apple should be used quickly after harvest and is great in desserts and eating fresh.
USDA Zone: 3-7
Mature Height: M.7 15-17' or 60-70% of Standard; Semi-Dwarf
Sun: Full Sun
Pollination: Tree is partially self- fertile but will benefit from other apples trees nearby
Bloom Group: 3 Mid Season
Harvest/Ripening Date: August