Gala Apple Tree
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James H. Kidd first discovered the Gala Apple as one of several seedlings that results from a breeding program in New Zealand. The Gala first gained popularity in the 1930s as a commercially viable apple having beneficial characteristics from its parents: the prodigious Golden Delicious and the Kidd's Orange Red.
The Gala apple is round, bright reddish orange with slight vertical striping along the apple. Before maturing on the tree, the Gala is peppered with hints of orange and yellow from its grandparent the Cox Orange Pippin that matures to a saturated bright red color. Its flesh is ivory to pale yellow in color that snaps with a crispy bite. Many also report a wonderful fragrance with the Gala though this author has not noticed that.
Its excellent growing and storing ability helped the Gala become on of the most popular apples in the world. It is hardy from zones 4 to 9 and requires less chill hours (dormancy period for trees) than other apple trees~ 800 hours. Because its long storing capacity and since its been around for nearly 100 years, the Gala has been widely used in baking.
USDA Zone: 4-9
Mature Heights:
M.111: 18-21' tall; Semi-Dwarf
Antonovka: 25'+; Standard
Sun: Full Sun
Bloom Group: 3 Mid Season
Ripening Time: Early September
Pollination: Required