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Honeycrisp Apple Trees
If you've ever heard of an apple- its probably the Honeycrisp. The University of Minnesota introduced this cold hardy apple variety in 1991 and it ...
View full detailsBlack Ice® Plum Tree
Plant breeder Brian Smith first developed in River Falls, WI in the early 2000s- the patent filed in 2004- as a cold hardy plum option. First cross...
View full detailsWolf River Apple Tree
This is an enormous apple. First discovered in 1875 along the Wolf River in Wisconsin- this apple soon became a popular baking apple because you on...
View full detailsGoldRush Apple Tree
Introduced from the Purdue-Rutgers-U of I Apple Breeding Program in 1994, the GoldRush apple is an excellent late season apple. Originally known as...
View full detailsGala Apple Tree
James H. Kidd first discovered the Gala Apple as one of several seedlings that results from a breeding program in New Zealand. The Gala first gaine...
View full detailsCrimsonCrisp® Apple Tree
First created at Rutgers Fruit Research Center in New Jersey in 1971 and is a cross between apple PCF2-134 and PRI 669-205. The CrimsonCrisp® was c...
View full detailsCameron Select Red Honeycrisp Tree
Please see our main Honeycrisp page for a general description. The difference between the Cameron Select and the standard Honeycrisp is a matter of...
View full detailsFreedom Apple Trees
Developed from the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in the 1950s; the Freedom Apple counts the McIntosh, Macoun, the ever prolific Go...
View full detailsKieffer Pear Trees
Said to have been discovered in the late 18th century in Philadelphia on a fruit farm owned by Peter Kieffer but now is planted widely across the e...
View full detailsFuji Apple Tree
First breed in the 1930s, this apple has grown to be one of the most popular apples sold around the world. Its lengthy storage abilities and crisp ...
View full detailsSweet Sixteen Apple Tree
This University of Minnesota variety was introduced in 1977 and is a cross between the Northern Spy and MN 447 (Frostbite) Apples. Commercially via...
View full detailsZestar Apple Tree
Introduced in 1999 by the University of Minnesota as another cold hardy apple. The Zestar, also called Minnewashta, is a cross between the State Fa...
View full detailsPink Lady® Apple Trees
Bred at the Department of Agriculture in Western Australia in 1970 by researcher John Cripps. He crossed the red Australian apple Lady Williams wit...
View full detailsArkansas Black Apple Tree
Introduced 1870 in the orchard of a Mr. Brathwaite, the fruit, a variety of Winesap, round and of medium size. The flesh is yellow, fine grained, c...
View full detailsPixie Crunch Apple Trees
Pixie Crunch, or Co-op 33, is a 1971 cultivar of the PRI Institute grown at Purdue University. Descended from the Golden Delicious and Red Rome app...
View full detailsDuchess of Oldenburg Apple Tree
This regal apple is named for Grand Duchess Catherine of Oldenburg, sister to Czar Alexander I and originates from the late 17th century in Eastern...
View full detailsPink Pearl Apple Trees
Created in 1940 by Albert Etter after combing through seedlings from a 'Surprise' apple. He eventually settled on seedling #39- its properties were...
View full detailsWealthy Apple Tree
One of the earliest cold hardy varieties in Minnesota (though not from the University!). In the 1860s, Peter Gideon was finally able to cross his l...
View full detailsSnowsweet Apple Tree
The University of Minnesota introduced this cold hardy apple in 2006 and is a crosse between the Sharon and Connell Red apples. It is consistently ...
View full detailsGolden Russet Apple Trees
The Golden Russet apple is a classic American heirloom variety that dates back to the 1700s. It is a medium-sized apple with a yellow-golden skin c...
View full detailsGinger Gold Apple Trees
In 1969, Hurricane Camille washed away vast swaths of Clyde and Frances 'Ginger' Harvey's orchard. In a valiant effort to recover as many seedlings...
View full detailsJonagold Apple Tree
Researchers at the New York State Agricultural Experimental Station first discovered this apple in 1953 having crossed a Golden Delicious with a Jo...
View full detailsMacoun Apple Trees
Introduced by the NYSAES in 1923, the Macoun is a cross of McIntosh and Jersey Black. It is named after Canadian horticulturalist W.T. Macoun but w...
View full detailsCox Orange Pippin Apple Tree
First bred in 1825 in Colnbrook, UK from possibly Ribston Pippin and the Blenheim Orange- the Cox Orange Pippins is the premier English Dessert App...
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